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Book- The Girl with the Crooked Spine, by Julia Barroso
Book - The Woman with the Crooked Spine, by Julia Barroso

Turning the crooked spine into overcoming

Writer's picture: Julia BarrosoJulia Barroso

We all know that scoliosis is a very challenging condition to deal with. This is because it generates insecurity due to its long treatment (often without the certainty of the result), significantly diminishes our self-esteem due to the physical deformity it causes, immobilizes us as we have to wear a brace, and terrifies us with the possibility of complex surgery. True or true? But like every problem, there is a possibility of transformation for those with a crooked spine.

And how do you turn this lemon into lemonade? As I always say, the first step is to accept. When we accept that this is our situation, at that moment, and that it is up to us to move forward treating the problem as it should be, things start to clear up a bit. Is willpower required? Yes, a lot! There's no escaping that. And everyone knows where their greatest strength comes from to face challenges. Some focus their energy on faith, others rely on family, there are also friends, and so on... the important thing in all of this is to have the willpower necessary to accept the disease. I relied heavily on my family and friends; that's what saved me. Some days I was very sad, especially when I had to increase the braces on my neck, but sleeping at a friend's house, going out for french fries with my cousins, gossiping on the phone, or watching a movie brought my energy back and the certainty that the next day would be better. It wasn't always, but many times, yes.

The second step is to face the proposed treatment with courage and discipline by the healthcare team in charge. Whether it's an orthopedic brace, physiotherapy with specific exercises, or surgery, scoliosis requires treatment, as otherwise, it progresses, and it progresses quite quickly. So, you start and go! Go as far as you need to go, until you get discharged, until the doctors say everything went well. You can be sure that day will come, and the feeling of achievement and duty fulfilled will be one of the greatest in your life. Knowing that amid the greatest difficulties, you stood firm in purpose and overcame scoliosis will make you feel a strength you never imagined you had. And you do believe me! On the day my doctor gave me the news of getting rid of the brace, I didn't even know how to begin celebrating because of so much happiness. My relief and sense of accomplishment were so overwhelming that I was disoriented, haha. I remember that one of the first things I did was to tell my friends as soon as I left the doctor's office and got home (there were no cell phones at that time). I knew that my happiness was their happiness, and thus, we laughed and cried together. So, count on your support network; it is crucial to overcoming scoliosis.

Another fundamental aspect of turning pain into satisfaction is to discover a passion if you haven't already found yours. I chose to write. Right from the hospital bed, I grabbed a pen and a notebook and decided to tell my story. I decided to put on paper everything I had felt over the years with scoliosis. I discovered a true love for writing, and putting all my feelings on paper helped me a lot to get out of that horrible situation I was in, with morphine in my veins that seemed never-ending. Result: two published books and many stories to tell, not only about scoliosis but also about other challenges overcome and achievements embraced! In addition, I am now a volunteer in the orthopedic department of the same hospital where I had scoliosis surgery, another passion discovered.

crooked spine
Launch of my first book

crooked spine
Launch of my second book

If we understand that each hardship is an opportunity for transformation and growth, everything becomes lighter. In the end, we develop resilience for life. And the most important part of this whole journey? Being able to help those in need, just as I once needed.


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