The sooner you find out, the better! This phrase applies to all pathologies as the earlier they are discovered, the greater the treatment success. Early detection of scoliosis is no different because if discovered and treated at the right time, the patient's chance of being referred for surgery is much lower. According to a study conducted in the United States and Canada, early diagnosis of scoliosis and appropriate treatment avoids surgery in 70% of cases. This number is impressive. Therefore, it is important to raise awareness among parents, family members, and physical education teachers, who are the people with the most visual access to the spines of children and adolescents.
For my second book, which will be released on January 12, 2024, I spoke with Dr. Alderico Girão, an orthopedic physician specializing in scoliosis, about the importance of discovering the deformity early. Below is a snippet of what he told me... it's just a teaser for you to read everything later in the book, folks, hahaha.
"Early detection plays a fundamental role in managing adolescent idiopathic scoliosis because it is through early detection that we guide the patient to avoid the need for surgery. The vast majority of idiopathic scoliosis cases are not progressive; they will not continue increasing. However, in a minority, which is around 3 to 5% of scoliosis cases, when we detect it early, we start a conservative treatment."
In the post "Scoliosis: symptoms to keep an eye on" I wrote more about how to detect scoliosis early.
It's worth starting to look at your children, nieces, nephews, godchildren, etc, today. Let's move forward together in this fight, which needs to have more and more space in society! You can also help and make a difference by sharing quality information.