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Book- The Girl with the Crooked Spine, by Julia Barroso
Book - The Woman with the Crooked Spine, by Julia Barroso
Writer's pictureJulia Barroso

Self-esteem tips by Kaká Moraes

Building a girl/woman's self-esteem involves various factors that should start from childhood, such as compliments, recognition, affection, and attention. I think it's important to talk about this because those who have scoliosis (usually teenage girls) often feel very different from their friends and the world in general. This issue can carry over into adulthood as well. This directly affects their relationship with their body and mind. So, to give us self-esteem tips and how to improve it, I invited the dear makeup artist Kaká Moraes, who knows very well how to lift the spirits of any woman!

Self-esteem tips:

Welcome, Kaká! In your view, with so many years of experience, is there a relationship between a woman's self-esteem and makeup?

In all these years working as a makeup artist, I've discovered that women feel much happier when they wear makeup, and their self-esteem improves significantly because it enhances their outer beauty, making them feel beautiful on the inside as well. So, it's been a long time since I realized that the relationship between women and makeup is very strong.

We know that good makeup makes us feel beautiful. How does it feel for you to be the person who brings that feeling to so many women?

I feel very happy to provide this feeling to women. I have been doing this for a long time, and it's a gift I have to make women happy! So, it's impossible not to be happy with it too. I really enjoy what I do, makeup and making women look wonderful; and powerful, because there's that element of power too, of feeling powerful because you're well-made up. Makeup can be lighter, more elaborate, heavier, but what really matters is that lashes make a woman's eyes shine, perfect skin makes a woman more confident, and all of this enhances her a lot. I am very grateful for my work and my profession.

Thinking about teenage girls, how can they feel beautiful without heavy makeup?

Today, even younger girls like to wear makeup and feel empowered by it. Sometimes, light makeup enhances a girl's features more, and I believe in the saying that "less is more." It's important to note that makeup is not meant to mask, especially for younger individuals who don't need that. Everything has its time, so I don't recommend heavy makeup for teenagers because later on (in their 30s or 40s), they may use it as a tool.

What is the main request from your clients in general?

In general, they want to have a well-illuminated look, and depending on the event, they may want elaborate eye makeup and flawless skin. They particularly love highlighter because it gives a sense of power when applied in the right places. The ideal for them is a fresh look with a nuance that creates an effect in photos or videos and shines in the right places.

Do you have any special tips for doing good makeup by ourselves at home?

A good tip is to look at the Instagram and TikTok accounts of people who do their own makeup. It's also important to be cautious and not try things that might not work for you, as everyone's face is different. You should really be careful and know your limits when it comes to using the right makeup for the right occasion. The main tip is to do makeup that suits your own personality and mood and to be daring without making mistakes.

And as a final message, what would you say to a girl or woman with low self-esteem?

I would say that it's very important to value yourself and look beautiful because it's good for the spirit and the soul. Every woman is beautiful; there are no ugly women. What matters is knowing how to use makeup, hair, and clothing at the right time, always highlighting your strengths. However, it's also essential not to make this the most important thing in life because self-esteem mainly comes from within. You need to look in the mirror, get to know yourself, and recognize yourself at the same time. Doing heavy makeup, for example, won't reveal who you truly are. Most importantly, what works for one person may not work for another, and it's crucial to respect that. Another valuable piece of advice is to be open to new things, rediscover yourself through them, and feel more beautiful.

Self-esteem tips
Kaká Moraes

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