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Book- The Girl with the Crooked Spine, by Julia Barroso
Book - The Woman with the Crooked Spine, by Julia Barroso
Writer's pictureJulia Barroso

Scoliosis brace with style - Helen Pomposelli's tips

Today we have a very special guest here on the blog to talk to us about how the way we dress is directly related to our self-esteem. We know that wearing a scoliosis brace can greatly affect our emotional well-being, which is why we need to focus on things that make us feel good in life, such as physical exercise, spending time with friends, being with family, watching good movies, reading great books, and also dressing up in stylish and flattering clothing that makes us happy and beautiful.

The systemic integrative therapist and image consultant, Helen Pomposelli, has shared some great tips on fashion and style to help boost self-esteem. Shall we go ahead and check out the interview?

You're very welcome, Helen. It's a pleasure to have you here with us. We know that scoliosis can greatly affect the self-esteem of adolescent girls. With your extensive experience, how do you think fashion can help in the context of restoring female well-being?

First and foremost, I believe that any challenge in our lives becomes much more difficult if we don't accept it if we don't change the way we look at it. One of the suggestions I give as a therapist is for the person to accept what is happening and extract the best experience from it. Think about what is possible to do with the situation and not use it against oneself. Don't use the condition in a way that makes you feel bad, but rather see it as something challenging, a new experience in life to help you grow through the situation. I understand that insecurity and low spirits can arise, but we have to fight against that. Girls going through scoliosis become even more passionate about the world of fashion because they feel the need to look more beautiful, as they are challenged by the brace.

scoliosis brace
Helen Pomposelli

The transition from childhood to adolescence is usually a challenge for most girls because it's when they begin to discover their femininity. What kind of clothes and accessories do you think are most suitable for this period?

I'll give you some tricks to hide scoliosis and make the most of it, showing your beauty with clothing and accessories that are more suitable for this period. First, blouses that accentuate the waist with a belt, have made a comeback and are back in fashion. So, playing with various inexpensive and colorful belts like sashes, leather, braided, and fringed ones and using them in a fun way. The idea is to have fun with this accessory that helps conceal scoliosis. Usually, I focus on a person's strengths and emphasize them. For example, if someone has a little belly, I use a neckline. If there's something about the legs they don't like, I draw attention to the waist, the navel, and the shoulders. This allows us to highlight the features that are more attractive. Instead of constantly dwelling on what makes you feel unattractive and lowers your self-esteem, you should emphasize what you like about yourself. If you're going to a party or event where it's appropriate to wear heels, it's great to use low-block heels that give a boost to the legs. For teenagers with scoliosis and those who wear a brace, the key is always to focus on accessories like bracelets, rings, and shoes, thus accentuating each girl's beauty.

For girls who wear a scoliosis brace during their growth phase (around 10 to 16 years), how can they dress in a way that makes them feel better about their reality?

I suggest a light neckline on the chest area rather than the back. So, we can go from basic t-shirts to dresses with a V-neck that elongates the waist and has a closed back. Button-up shirts are also highly recommended and are currently in fashion. Instead of using tops, it's nice to wear a thin-strapped blouse with a neckline in the front and throw a button-up shirt over it. You can take advantage of fashion trends, colors, and volumes that are very popular for this type of challenge. Another thing, besides finding these blouses super cute, you can use them to camouflage scoliosis because they are asymmetrical pieces with a puffy shoulder that looks great when it's covered higher, creating the illusion that both shoulders are the same. So, a shirt with a cute little sleeve looks super delicate and romantic.

Is it possible to use fashion in a general way to feel more beautiful during the period of wearing the brace?

I have a tip called self-care. I know that the orthopedic brace is not really pleasant, and we have to accept that. But we also have to accept that this is the current reality, so self-care isn't about buying new clothes or taking a trip; it's about washing your hair, brushing your teeth, putting on makeup, engaging in a sport, spending time in nature, reading good books, choosing words that will positively uplift yourself, having good friends, making good choices, eating lightly and healthily, staying hydrated with juices and coconut water, and maintaining good hygiene, just like you do with your brace. That is self-care. Is it challenging to see this phase this way? Yes. Is it a process? Yes. But this experience can be enriching and full of lessons.

And for those who have noticeable scoliosis and feel completely misaligned, what type of clothing is most recommended in this case?

Fashion comes from the inside out, even trends are taken from our way of thinking and not from the outside. No one creates anything without first researching how women are thinking. So, loose blouses, flat ballet shoes, and comfortable and beautiful jeans should be worn by people with scoliosis. And what's divine is the accessories. If you think your outfit looks too basic, have a box of accessories to choose from, with headbands, bracelets, and rings. Now, indigenous handcrafts are in style. Make the most of that. Taking care of your hair is also very important.

Did you like all the tips? If you have any questions, Helen and I are here to chat!

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