It's hard to put into words everything he is in my life! I can start by saying that he is my love, my best friend, my daily strength, my haven, and, as it couldn't be otherwise, my husband.
You know that person who is there for every moment, who gives the best advice, who doesn't complain, who cheers, who helps - and helps a lot - who genuinely loves you in every moment? That's Di.
Anyone who read my second book "The Woman with the Crooked Spine" knows our story and how much we talked about chayote and beetroot before our first date.
When I decided to leave the corporate world and dedicate myself again to raising awareness about scoliosis, he was the first to support me and provide all the support I needed to move forward. He was also the one who held the fort while I was writing my second book, without knowing if it would even be published. But he trusted. And he keeps trusting. He believes he bets, suffers together, and celebrates even more. He has become an expert in scoliosis and can even give lectures with me haha.
With him, I have the strength to overcome every challenge and obstacle in my path. I just can't overcome the fact that he never leaves the house before the agreed time for anything in this world. As he always tells me:
Ju, what's agreed is agreed.
This anxious person gets nervous. But deep down, I admire even that about him. It means that he is a person who fulfills everything he commits to, even to the second hand of the clock. And it's true. He is so responsible and dedicated that he has spent many nights and weekends creating and recreating this website, coming up with ideas, adjusting layouts, and adding information. Not to mention how much he helped when I relaunched my first book "The Girl with the Crooked Spine." He even translated it into English. During our breakfast or afternoon coffee, Di's creativity flows freely, and he brings me several interesting insights for me to execute for you all. Is there anything more beautiful???
So, folks, I still don't have many words to describe everything that this life partner of mine represents to me, but one thing is certain: he is love, he is firmness, he is persistence, he is dedication, he is affection, and he is everything I dreamed for myself!