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Book- The Girl with the Crooked Spine, by Julia Barroso
Book - The Woman with the Crooked Spine, by Julia Barroso
Writer's pictureJulia Barroso

Key questions about scoliosis

Updated: Apr 14

Guys, today's post is different. I'm going to do it in a Q&A style with the main questions I receive from you about scoliosis through Instagram, the website, and WhatsApp. Let's go.

How old were you when you discovered your scoliosis?

I discovered it at the age of 11 when I went to the orthopedist to evaluate a problem I had in my leg, and he promptly noticed something different in my back. We performed the Adams Test in the office, and then he immediately requested an X-ray. With the result in hand, the saga began since I already had almost 30 degrees at only 11 years old. The recommendation then came for the Milwaukee brace and swimming to strengthen the spine's muscles. In my first book 'The Girl with the Crooked Spine' I wrote this whole story.

How do you deal with scoliosis in your daily life?

I use basic resources to feel good despite scoliosis. The first point is my work in raising awareness about the deformity. This makes me very happy because I know I am helping other people with the same problem. After that, I try to focus on parts of my body that I like, avoiding looking too much at my back in the mirror. This helps me see myself more beautifully and love myself more. Spending good and fun moments with family and friends is also a way to feel good daily, so I focus a lot on that. The important thing is to discover what makes us happy, and that varies from person to person. But by concentrating our energy on our passions, life becomes much lighter. In the post "Four tips for managing scoliosis in daily life" I write about more ways to face the curved spine.

Does the surgery bother you in any way?

This question is classic, hahaha... and I love to say that surgery has never hindered me in anything, except for a few movements that I struggle to do in Pilates or in my routine. Twisting my torso, looking back without turning the spine as a whole, getting out of a hammock without support, and rolling the spine to do certain types of abs, are some of my difficulties. But this doesn't hinder my day at all, really. I'm grateful for the surgery I did, as it was the most viable option to correct my somewhat aggressive scoliosis.

Did you reduce the degrees to zero with surgery?

No, I underwent surgery with a curvature of 60 degrees, and we managed to reduce it to 28 at the time when I was 18, in 2000. Today, techniques and materials are much more advanced, and it is indeed possible to reduce the curvature to zero. However, is it really necessary? In the post "Scoliosis surgery: do we need to zero out the degrees?", you can see more details about this theme. It's worth a read.

Did your self-esteem suffer because of the crooked spine?

Yes, definitely. A lot. Ever since I discovered scoliosis, I've always been very ashamed of my body and did everything to avoid attracting attention on the street, which was quite challenging because of the brace I wore. I felt inferior to other girls and extremely insecure. Not that this has completely gone away in my adult phase, but it has improved a lot with emotional maturity and everything that life has shown us. Plus, therapy, of course! In the post "Four tips to improve self-esteem for those with scoliosis" I write about ways to deal with all of this.

Is it possible to have a healthy pregnancy after surgery?

Yes, absolutely!!! Mine was very smooth and painless. Of course, each case is unique but generally speaking, operated scoliosis doesn't interfere with pregnancy. The only point of attention for me was during anesthesia, which needed to be administered at a specific point in the spine where there was no hardware. I share my experience in the post "Pregnant with scoliosis. What now?"

Me and my baby during pregnancy

These are the most common questions I receive! If you have any others, feel free to reach out, and I'll be happy to help!

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