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Book- The Girl with the Crooked Spine, by Julia Barroso
Book - The Woman with the Crooked Spine, by Julia Barroso
Writer's pictureJulia Barroso

Four tips to improve the self-esteem of those with scoliosis

Updated: Apr 14

It's no secret that the self-esteem of those with scoliosis is significantly affected, both when we discover the deformity and during the treatment. This is because scoliosis, also known as a curved spine, gradually distorts our backs in a way that makes us feel very uncomfortable with our bodies all the time. When it comes to wearing a brace, say goodbye to vanity. Isn't that right?

So, thinking about my own experience and what I study, I bring four tips to boost this feeling about ourselves today. Shall we?

1- Don't compare yourself to others

It's normal to compare ourselves to friends during childhood and adolescence. I used to look at my friends' spines and think: why isn't mine straight like theirs? Why do I have to wear this brace for 23 hours a day while everyone my age is free? It's natural. But the big trap of these thoughts is that we're victimizing ourselves and putting ourselves in an inferior position to others. In the end, this ends up making us feel even worse about having scoliosis. How about changing this negative thinking to something more positive? One tip is to be grateful. As difficult as it may be, be thankful for being alive, for learning every day from the lessons this condition brings us, for having wonderful family and friends who support us, and for simply breathing. This helps a lot because it takes us from a bad mindset to a good one, and that, without a doubt, boosts our self-esteem.

2- Engage in physical activities

I'm lazy! Anyone who sees me on Instagram thinks I'm the most energetic person in the world. That's not true, haha. I am disciplined, that's for sure. I've learned throughout my life that exercising really helps bring a sense of well-being to my body and mind. It may sound like a cliché and self-help text that we read in all books, and it's a bit like that because if it weren't true, so many people wouldn't be talking about it and doing the same thing. One tip is to do it first thing in the morning, as the first activity of the day. Many times, I'm already trained and energized to talk to you on Instagram before 8 a.m. After that, my day flows much better, it's not a lie! So much so that when I don't exercise for some reason, I get a little grumpy (my husband can attest to that) and I'm not as cheerful. So, let's get moving to boost our self-esteem!

self-esteem of those with scoliosis
Me at the park, during my morning activity!

3- Talk to your friends

Is there anything better for our spirits than being among friends? There isn't!!! Especially if they are those friends who really boost our confidence, put us on a pedestal with so many compliments, and make us laugh at ourselves. This does immense good for our self-esteem and also reminds us that there is so much life, yes, with scoliosis! I remember that my friends, during the time I had to wear the brace, did everything for me (they still do today), and without this crucial support, everything would have been much more difficult.

4- Discover passions and interests: self-esteem for those with scoliosis

When we connect with ourselves and accept who we are and our conditions, we open up space for many things we love and that make us feel good. Discovering our passions and what truly interests us in life helps us follow happy paths, and in doing so, we elevate our self-esteem. So, always seek paths that bring you joy and happiness, because life without that is nothing. When you don't know which way to go, think with your heart, not your head.

I hope I've helped boost many self-esteem because we need to support each other and dedicate ourselves to the incredible art of being happy. Together, we are stronger!

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