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Book- The Girl with the Crooked Spine, by Julia Barroso
Book - The Woman with the Crooked Spine, by Julia Barroso
Writer's pictureJulia Barroso

Family support in the scoliosis surgery journey

Hi, everyone! I'm back from vacation today, and I'm here to continue our conversation about scoliosis. It went by quickly, didn't it? I missed you guys!!!!

A few days ago, I made a post with some questions and answers about the dreaded scoliosis surgery. We know that facing this situation isn't easy, but let's remember one thing: no one is a superhero, and we need a team to support us! So today, let's talk a bit about the importance of family support during the journey of scoliosis surgery for children and adolescents.

Let's find out how family can be our greatest support!

1. Open and Welcoming Communication

The first rule of the "family team" is communication, my friends! It's essential to create an environment where everyone can openly discuss their fears, concerns, and expectations related to the surgery. Share ideas, listen to each other, and provide emotional support. When we feel heard and understood, it's easier to face any challenge! In my home, we've always had an open dialogue, and it helped me a lot during the peak of my scoliosis.

2. Participation in medical appointments

It's important that the family is present during medical appointments! Take notes, ask questions, and understand the entire surgery process. Don't be afraid to request clear and detailed explanations from the doctor. Moreover, look for a doctor who is tactful and empathetic, so the whole family will feel more supported. Encourage children and teenagers to ask their own questions as well. Everyone has the right to be well-informed!

3. Preoperative and postoperative support

Family is essential in preoperative and postoperative support! Before the surgery, help the child or adolescent prepare physically and emotionally. During recovery, offer assistance with daily activities, monitor medications, and show lots of love and patience. After all, we all know that a hug from family members has magical healing powers! I received a lot of affection both before the surgery and during (at the hospital) and afterward as well. My family was with me all the time, sharing that pain with me and supporting me every minute. There's even the story of my grandmother giving me Nesquik through a straw when I couldn't get out of bed in the postoperative period. Such care is priceless.

4. Encouragement and celebration of achievements

Here's a secret: scoliosis surgery is a journey with many challenges, but also with many achievements. Family plays a crucial role in encouraging and celebrating every step taken, no matter how small. Show pride in these achievements, no matter how simple they may seem, and support the child or teenager in their recovery goals. Believe me, these small victories will build unwavering confidence! In my case, we celebrated everything: the first time I stood up, and walked, when the terrible rib pain started to diminish, and so on. Together and with a positive attitude, we are much stronger.

In the journey of scoliosis surgery, the family is our "super-team." Through communication, active participation, support, and celebration, we can face any challenge. Remember that everyone in the family also needs care and support during this process. Together, we will strengthen family bonds and create memories of overcoming challenges that will stay in our hearts forever.

I hope these tips have shown the importance of family support in the scoliosis surgery journey. And don't forget to check out other posts here on our blog; there's a lot of great content!

scoliosis surgery
My cousins and me during the scoliosis time. They've always been by my side!

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