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Book- The Girl with the Crooked Spine, by Julia Barroso
Book - The Woman with the Crooked Spine, by Julia Barroso

Discovering the secrets of my spine: An adventure with scoliosis!

Writer's picture: Julia BarrosoJulia Barroso

And there you go, the folks with the crooked and the straight spines! Today, we're going to delve deeper into a topic that's very close to my heart and, of course, my spine: the somewhat enigmatic scoliosis! If you're also on this adventure, come with me on this relaxed chat about how to face this curvature with ease and a smile!

But before we dive deep into that spine (literally), let's understand what scoliosis is. I think many of you already know, but it's never too much to remember. Scoliosis is a condition in which our spinal column decides to take some more radical twists than we do on a roller coaster! It forms lateral curves, making our body look like an "S" or "C." Believe me, it's like a secret choreography that only our spine knows! Many scolioses also twist a part of our body forward, in three dimensions. I myself have one breast bigger than the other because one side has a forward rotation, and the other doesn't.

Our adventure with scoliosis can begin in various ways: some of us are born with it, others discover it during adolescence (the most common cases), or even in adulthood (rarer). And of course, each case is unique because we are all collectors of stories and experiences.

I'll confess that when I first found out about my curvature at the age of 11, I had a lump in my throat. "What now, what will become of me and my spine?" I thought. However, I soon realized that scoliosis isn't the end of the world, and I could face that new challenge with strength and support from family and friends. Of course, it wasn't easy; I cried a lot when I found out I would need to wear a brace. But I went for it and faced the challenge head-on!

The first lesson I learned is that we are not alone in this. There are many other people dancing to this scoliosis choreography with us. We form a fun, united community full of good stories to share. After all, who better understands our jokes about exercises and doctor's appointments than those who are on the same adventure, right?

Another thing is that medical supervision and specialized exercises are essential to ensure our spine stays in shape. The exercises recommended by professionals are great allies in the quest for a healthier and stronger spine. So, no laziness, let's dance this physical therapy dance with a smile on our faces!

It's also important to remember that, even though scoliosis is our companion, it doesn't define us completely. We are much more than a curvature. We are dreamers, adventurers, writers, cooks, artists, and whatever else we want to be! Our spine is just one of the many facets of who we are.

So, let's go, folks with curved spines! Let's live this adventure with good humor, camaraderie, and determination. Scoliosis may be a secret and mysterious choreography, but together we can turn it into a dance full of lightness and fun. And always remember: the important thing is to carry your spine with pride and be happy just the way we are!

Did you enjoy our conversation about scoliosis? I hope you did! Share your experiences and tips in the comments below. Let's strengthen our community and show that scoliosis is no big deal.

Until next time, everyone!

Me, my brace, and my smile!


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