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Book- The Girl with the Crooked Spine, by Julia Barroso
Book - The Woman with the Crooked Spine, by Julia Barroso
Writer's pictureJulia Barroso

Discipline: Essential in scoliosis treatment

Updated: Jan 14

Who here considers themselves disciplined? Are you the person who fulfills everything you commit to, even when the motivation is lacking? Do you dedicate yourself every day to achieving your goals? Do you set and stick to your activities' schedules no matter what? Then consider yourself a disciplined person. This is extremely important during scoliosis treatment, mark my words!

I don't know if I was born this way or if it was wearing the brace that taught me to put discipline at the forefront of my life. The fact is, from the moment I put on the brace until I took it off four years later, I fulfilled everything the doctors asked of me in a completely resilient way. It was 23 hours a day, 7 days a week of brace wear, with a strong focus on the result. That's what drove me, the outcome. I had to be very, very disciplined because there were undoubtedly days when I didn't feel like following that medical program at all, but we can't let that kind of thinking dominate us, right? We need to fight against it and think that everything will be alright, that it's a phase and it will pass, but for that, we need to do our part.

My family often told me to take off the brace for a bit longer than the small one-hour break I had, especially in the summer when I was with my cousins by the pool or at the beach. But I didn't take it off. I strictly followed the doctor's recommendation and knew that this was the right path. Deep down, I didn't want to regret it later if the scoliosis treatment didn't work with the brace. I wanted to have the feeling that I had done my part very well, and then I could sleep with a clear conscience, regardless of the outcome.

scoliosis treatment
This is me in a brace and sledding during the winter in Portugal when I was 12 years old
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With my cousins climbing the hill and pulling the sled. Always wearing the brace!

I had to go through a lot of challenges with the brace, but nothing would take away my focus. With that same discipline, I approach my life to this day. Every day, I wake up at 6 AM, and the first thing I do is go down to the building's gym, where I train for 40 minutes. Is it purely by will that I do this? Certainly not. But the focus on the result continues to drive me. Just as I set a time for my physical activities, I do the same for writing here for you, filming, and working on other scoliosis-related projects. In other words, I sit down and work during those hours I set aside for it. I also have a set time for breaks during the day, and just like work, I take breaks seriously. In the end, with organization and planning, everything works very well. But what's needed? Discipline! Seeking the strength to meet your goals every day is the big secret. That's the only way we achieve what we want and don't get as frustrated during the process.

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A long time after the brace, but always with discipline

In the end, everything worked out with my scoliosis treatment, just like it does for the majority! Did I have to have surgery even after using the brace? Yes. But that doesn't mean the brace didn't help me; on the contrary. The truth is, if I hadn't been focused and taken everything seriously, things would have been worse.

So, folks, use the brace, do specific scoliosis physiotherapy, and follow all the recommendations of the healthcare team that takes care of you. With discipline, you'll go a long way and achieve everything you want!

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