Who's looking forward to my second book coming out soon? Meeee!!!! Excited and very enthusiastic about the beginning of 2024, when I will release my second autobiography, a sequel to the book "The Girl with the Crooked Spine". Who else is feeling this way, raise your hand!
Today I want to introduce you to a character from the new book, someone very important to me, who has made and continues to make all the difference in my life. After all, we've been through very happy and very sad times together. Very sad indeed. You will read about her in the book and fall in love with her too! I am very proud of who she is, and I am grateful for everything she does for me and my son.
I won't resist, and I'll give you a spoiler from a passage in the book:
"First, she fell in love with Pedro, much later with me – if that ever happened. I can't explain her love for him, but it was very real and genuine from the beginning. The wide smile that marks her cheerful and strong personality was the first thing my son saw when they met. She was already full of laughter towards him. The phase was delightful; he was already interacting a lot, smiling back at her, and crawling into her lap. It was supposed to be a test, but it turned into a lifelong bond."
Who wants to read more? Coming soon to the major bookstores in Brazil and worldwide too!