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Book- The Girl with the Crooked Spine, by Julia Barroso
Book - The Woman with the Crooked Spine, by Julia Barroso

Conservative Treatment with Scoliosis Brazil

Writer's picture: Julia BarrosoJulia Barroso

Updated: Feb 15, 2024

I have been closely following the work done by the Scoliosis Brazil Clinic (Clínica Escoliose Brasil) founded by physiotherapist and professor Rodrigo Andrade, a professional who specialized in deformity through training worldwide, based on scientific evidence. I see many successful cases there with their focus on conservative treatment, which is done without surgery, using orthopedic braces and specialized physiotherapy. As I always say, the more we can avoid scoliosis surgery, the better. And in many situations (mostly), this is entirely possible.

After traveling to Italy, Hong Kong, Colombia, and the USA, Rodrigo brought to Brazil the S4D scoliosis treatment method, which follows the rules of the International Society on Scoliosis Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Treatment (SOSORT) and has been proven effective in more than 90% of patients. Quite a lot, right, folks? With specific physiotherapy exercises combined with the use of the S4D brace, also produced by Escoliose Brazil (Escoliose Brasil), more than 2,200 patients in Brazil and worldwide have already been impacted and treated by the clinic.

I think it's great to show it in practice! So today, I bring to you one of the recent success stories of a 14-year-old girl who is treating her lumbar scoliosis with them.

scoliosis brazil
The evolution of treatment with S4D

This patient is from the city of Colatina - Espírito Santo - and started daily specific physiotherapy exercises and the use of the brace 2 and a half years ago at the Scoliosis Brazil clinic. When she started the treatment, she had a 13-degree curve in the thoracic spine and a 36-degree curve in the lumbar spine, with a Risser 3.

What is the Risser sign?

In simple terms, it's a crucial measure for healthcare professionals treating scoliosis, indicating the skeletal maturity of the iliac crest. The scale ranges from 0 to 5, with closer to 0 indicating less skeletal maturity and, consequently, a higher chance of curve progression.

Returning to the case, the fact is that after this period of S4D treatment, where she did daily 30-minute exercises and wore the brace for 23 hours a day, the patient showed a significant reduction in the lumbar curve. Today, she still has 13 degrees in the thoracic region and has reduced the curve in the lumbar region to 17 degrees. This is a great victory, as conservative treatment's primary goal is to halt curve progression. When there is a reduction, it is considered a very successful case. It's important to emphasize the commitment of the patient, who must take the exercises very seriously, as well as wearing the brace. This makes all the difference in the result. Focus pays off, folks!

scoliosis brazil
X-ray showing the progression of this case

Did you see how doing the treatment correctly, with good specialized professionals, yields significant results?


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