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Book- The Girl with the Crooked Spine, by Julia Barroso
Book - The Woman with the Crooked Spine, by Julia Barroso
Writer's pictureJulia Barroso

Books about scoliosis: five tips

Updated: Oct 16, 2023

You know I love to give tips, right? We've already talked about movies, makeup, self-esteem, Instagram profiles, pregnancy, and physical activities here on the blog. Today, we have more recommendations for you: this time, it's books about scoliosis for you to dive into during the upcoming holiday in Brazil. Do you like the idea? So let's go!

To Keep on the Right Side of the Chest (Editora Clube de Autores)

Written by Thayná Giovana, a congenital scoliosis patient, this book tells her story and the struggle against the crooked spine from the age of 3 to adolescence. It also includes a mini diary of when she was anticipating surgery and illustrative images. I have the book myself, and received it with great affection from Thayna, along with a lovely dedication. It's not a large work, so you can scan it and be inspired by her story of overcoming since she was just a baby. Available on the Amazon.

Braced (Arthur A. Levine Books)

This novel about a schoolgirl who discovers scoliosis and needs to wear a brace was written by the American author Alyson Gerber. It portrays what teenage girls go through when they receive this news. Life changes significantly, but the way she sees herself becomes the main transformation. It's only available in English on Amazon.

Tangled in the curves - Real life with idiopathic scoliosis (FriesenPress)

Released recently in June 2023, this book by Caroline Bell is a firsthand account of living with idiopathic scoliosis that depicts the journey of the condition from diagnosis in adolescence, bracing, and surgery to adulthood. The author discovered her scoliosis at the age of 15, wore a brace, and underwent surgery at 17. In addition to the book, she has a great Instagram profile with various videos filled with humor. Available in English on Amazon.

Books about scoliosis

Life with a Few Extra Screws (Editora Clube de Autores)

This is Thayná's second book, released in 2022, which, in addition to being a continuation of her first work "To Keep on the Right Side of the Chest" includes the accounts of two important healthcare professionals in her scoliosis treatment process: Dr. Flávio Porto and physiotherapist Rodrigo Andrade. The book can be found on Mercado Livre.

The Girl with The Crooked Spine (KDP)

Finally, but certainly not less important, is the recommendation of my own book, which I released in 2011. In it, I tell my story about scoliosis, along with other challenges of childhood and adolescence. Testimonials from healthcare professionals and other teenagers are also part of the autobiography. It is available in Portuguese on Amazon Brazil and in English on Amazon in several parts of the world.

After you read them all, tell me what you think of the recommendations!

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